In the movie Planet of the Apes, Charlton Heston plays a man that goes on an expedition into outer space. He land on a strange planet ruled by Apes and the planet turns out to be his own, Earth. In his discovery of the Apes, he sees that not only do the Apes despise him and all of the other humans, they are afraid of him because of his ability to speak and to reason. The theme xenophobia is demonstrated in the video because the Apes will not accept him as a being that exceeds what they describe as animals. We later discover that man is dangerous, for at the end of time when Earth collapsed in chaos, it was people that ended up destroying each other in their barbaric ways. Near the end of the movie, it is quoted: “You are afraid of me Doctor. You were afraid of me before and you are afraid of me now. Why”? “Because you’re a man”. This shows xenophobia in the movie during all parts, and the apes never got over it. The apes humiliated man just for their own satisfaction, and the elders of the apes even knew about the Earth once belonging to man, but left the evidence in ruins for the younger generation.
One big problem that I saw in the video that still exists today is the desire for superiority above all others. The apes believed that they were the superior race, created under God as equal. It’s ironic because we think like that, and planet of the apes shows that even in 2,000 years, that attitude will never change.
In their ape society, I don’t believe there is a future. Unlike us, they disgrace those who want to learn, and forbid expanding knowledge. I hope that is not the future of humans as we know it, but I do believe the world will end by people destroying one another.
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